What are organic plants?

What are organic plants

In this article, we will discuss the question of what are organic plants? What are the advantages of organic products? Traditional methods of agriculture and animal husbandry are no longer able to meet the demand for mass production of food. However, excessive use of these chemicals can harm humans and the environment. For this reason, in recent years, people’s desire to use organic, natural and local products that are healthier has increased.

What are organic plants?

Organic products refer to products that are made entirely from natural ingredients and are produced without the use of any chemicals or additives. These products do not employ any methods during their production that may alter the natural nature of their constituent materials.

Organic products are produced locally and sustainably, and the emphasis on quality and health is crucial for consumers. The use of organic products not only contributes to improving the overall health of society but also helps to preserve the environment from damage and pollution caused by chemicals.

While the mass production of organic products does present its own challenges, the demand for these products continues to increase steadily due to their numerous benefits.

Organic products are divided into different categories, which indicate the amount of natural ingredients the product contains.

 organic plants

Classification of products based on organicity

  1. 100% Organic: These products are prepared and produced in a completely organic manner, without any chemical substances used in them.
  2. Organic Products: These products are produced in a way that up to 95% of the product is natural ingredients.
  3. Made with Organic Ingredients: These products contain a minimum of 70% natural ingredients.
  4. Non-Organic: Non-organic products are referred to as products that have less than 70% natural ingredients.

What is the difference between organic and natural products?

Yes, these two definitions are different. Natural can have its own specific definition for each product. For example, natural honey is defined as honey that is produced by bees without artificial feeding during the nectar and flower season. Similarly, natural tea is defined as tea that does not include any chemical additives to enhance its aroma and color.

In general, natural products can be described as products that have undergone minimal processing and refinement, where all the ingredients are derived from natural sources and do not contain specific additives such as hormones, antibiotics, sweeteners, food colors, preservatives, or artificial flavorings.

Advantages of organic products:

• No non-natural or chemical substances are used in organic products.

• There is no genetic manipulation used in these products, and they maintain their natural size and color.

• Due to the low nitrate content in organic products, they are the best option for consumption. These products reduce the risk of cancer due to the low nitrate content.

• Since no preservatives are used in these products, they are often fresh.

• Due to the abundance of silylic acid, these products have a significant impact on cardiovascular health.

•      Suitable for children’s health.

•      Due to the absence of any chemical substances and

We are proud to announce that MRT Company operates in the field of organic product manufacturing. Our commitment to producing healthy and high-quality products is evident through our process that excludes the use of any pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and follows the principles of organic farming. Our aim is to provide our valued customers with products that not only prioritize their own and their families’ health, but also contribute to environmental preservation and support sustainable agriculture by adhering to high standards and organic criteria.

We hope that this article has satisfied you, dear users, and that we have been able to answer all your questions, including what are organic plants, and that you have become familiar with the wonderful benefits of these products.






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