what is saffron?


From ancient times, the red scarlet stigmas of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) have been valued for flavoring and coloring foods . Saffron has also been a component of traditional medicine in many cultures, and this use may expand in the future as it has been demonstrated that some of its components have cytotoxic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumor properties . For these reasons, saffron has become the world’s highest-priced spice.

Saffron is currently considered the most expensive spice in the world.

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Iranian saffron

There is a reason why the Iranian saffron is believed to be the top saffron available and its saffron producers in Iran provide over 90% of worldwide saffron.Additionally, Iranian saffron can be found in various varieties that can be bought directly from a supplier.

The cultivation area of saffron in Iran has had a rising trend in the last few years and nowadays. It is cultivated in 21 provinces . Saffron cultivation forms an important

part of the livelihood for family farms. 

Royal Negin saffron

Royal Negin is a premium variety of saffron . It is known for its bright red color and long, thick threads, which are highly aromatic and flavorful. Royal Negin saffron is considered to be one of the highest quality grades of saffron due to its strong coloring power and intense flavor. This type of saffron is often used in gourmet cooking and is valued for its unique taste and aroma.

Types of saffron

There are four generic types of Iranian saffron that you can find either in Iran or outside of Iran.

  • Negin Saffron
  • Sargol Saffron
  • Pushal Saffron
  • Royal negin saffron
  • White saffron 

Types of Iranian saffron

Royal Negin Saffron

royal Negin is the highest quality of Iranian saffron. royal Negin is all red saffron threads, and it is larger compared to Negin saffron.

Negin Saffron

Negin is yet another type of Iranian saffron, and it is considered to be the second-best quality saffron that you can purchase. Negin saffron is produced from grade one saffron that consists of the red and best part of the saffron flower.

Sargol Saffron

Sargol in English means the top of the flower. The Sargol Saffron is also all red threads of the saffron flower, but the threads are shorter compared to Negin and Super Negin saffron types.

White saffron  

This type consists of the white and pale parts of the stigma, having high aroma but low color strength with a length of 5 to 15 mm, is used as an aromatic substance for foods and … This part of saffron is usually used in medicine and has many benefits although it does not have any red color.

Pushal Saffron

Pushal is yet another type of Iranian saffron, and it comes with all red saffron threads as well as a bit of yellow saffron. Keep in mind; there is nothing wrong with yellow saffron; it has just changed its color in the drying process of saffron.

Health Benefits of saffron 

Health Benefits of saffron 
  • Nutrition of Saffron
  • Contains Powerful Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant
  • Improve Sleep
  • Benefit Mental Health
  • Boost Heart Health
  • cancer-fighting properties

Recipes of saffron

Saffron is used in many Iranian dishes but One of the most common correct ways to consume saffron is to brew it.

  1. For this, you need to grind the saffron strings. 
  2. Then pour the milled saffron powder in a small bowl or a glass 
  3. Now, add some boiling water to cover the saffron.
  4. Then cover it and let the saffron infuse for 30 minutes.
  5. Now you can add it to any food for flavor or aroma

Why saffron is so expensive?

Since such a small part of the flower is used, it takes 75,000 saffron flowers to make one pound of saffron spice. The small amount of saffron spice per plant, along with the fact that harvesting must be done manually, leads to saffron’s price being majorly expensive.

Organic saffron

Organic saffron is a type of saffron that is produced naturally without the use of any chemical fertilizers, poisons and any other chemicals. According to its production method, organic saffron has many properties and characteristics, some of which are mentioned below.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antidepressant properties
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Disinfection properties
  • Sedative properties


Do not forget that in order to benefit from all the properties of saffron, you must pay attention to the correct way of consumption and the amount of saffron consumption. Because if you do saffron correctly or if you consume more than allowed, not only will you not benefit from the properties of saffron, but it will also harm you.

Saffron has been produced in the past, and even at the present, mostly based on family farming systems in particular areas of the world. Nowadays, the areas of production and its trade are expanding to many countries, hence innovation in its production, processing and uses are needed.

MRT food

MRT Food is an organic products company in Iran that operates under the supervision of the European Organic Union and international standards.

This company sends organic products such as sour tea, saffron, Common Mallow,blue mallow,Damask rose,Thyme,Organic Hibiscus tea bags,etc to all countries of the world.

These products are made under the supervision of experts and with organic methods

And it is exported by air and sea with modern methods.














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